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For those who already understand this type of LDP board, let’s just get a couple key features out of the way that distinguish this board from any other deck of this type made before. Firstly, it has been designed around our most classic and readily available RKP cast trucks available. The intention here is to offer a super high functioning but cost effective setup.

The inherent geometry of our Supersonic LDP longboard will allow you to run Bear 130mm, 155mm or Paris 150mm effectively. You’ll want either the 40 degree (Bear) or 43 degree (Paris) in back, and either the 50 or the 40/43 in front. Because of the very similar base geometry of these trucks, they will run within about 1.5mm axle height from front to back regardless of which truck position you use, WITHOUT RISER and our 86mm McFly wheels.

Any further tinkering is certainly welcome, but this is an incredible starting point for a top of the line LDP longboard setup, with the stock setups already being super effective right out of the box.

The deck features a mild camber between the drops and incredibly tight curvature, considering the required curves necessary to make this geometry work. And we integrate very mild versions of our crescent drops in all curvature points (even the down-curve of the de-wedged back end!) on this deck, making them stronger than boards of the past and allowing us to control where the board flexes. Our concave is mellow, as it should be, so that you’re comfortable no matter what distance you’re skating. But the curves are subtle and strong, and there are no true flat spots on the board anywhere, resulting in superb board feel.


For a super flexy ride or for riders under 70kg, you can consider the 6-ply deckWe believe the 6 ply option to be ideal for riders under 170 pounds (77kg). If you’re on the high end of this, we recommend picking this board ONLY if you’re intending to ride primarily on the zero degree rear option, and you want it to flex. You will likely need to be around 150 lbs (70kg) or under to use the far rear option.

For riders between 70kg and 90kg, the 7-ply deck is a good choice. Our 7 ply option will be ideal for middleweight riders, around 160 (72kg) to 210 lbs (95kg). This deck is effective on both mounting positions for LDP longboard riders in the lower ranges of this weight range. Up to around 200 pounds and beyond, riders should get this flex only with the zero degree rear mounting option. Keep in mind that riding style has a big component of flex. Riders that throw their body super hard into the board will flex the deck more. Less aggressive pumpers will likely be able to ride both mounting areas even if they’re above that 190-200 pound mark.

For clydesdale riders above 90kg, the 8-ply deck will give you a firmer ride. Our 8 ply XL is not only thicker and stiffer, but it is also a touch wider than the 6 and 7 ply options. Our max width on the XL is 9.5”, which is 0.3” wider than the more slender options. We are thinking about our XL riders, and often times, these riders have larger feet.